Supported By

Below are some of the local residents as well as some well-known celebrities who support Community R4C. There are many more and we are equally grateful to all the 200 people who have invested and to those who are supporting us in other ways.


Name: Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Location: Dorset
Occupation: chef, broadcaster, campaigner
Quote: “It’s the way all rubbish should, and hopefully will, be treated in future. This is also a fantastic example of a community taking the initiative and setting the agenda when it comes to dealing with their own rubbish. Here’s hoping that other stakeholders will leap at the opportunity to support such an innovative and important project”

Name: Jeremy Irons
Location: County Cork, Ireland
Occupation: actor and activist
Quote: “This project demonstrates clearly that where the system fails the people can step up and do better. Waste is all our responsibility and it’s high time we started taking that responsibilty seriously. This community has and it will be healthier for it in more ways than one. It’s a precedent that needs setting and when we have, others will follow.”

Name: Jonathon Porritt, CBE
Location: Cheltenham
Occupation: environmentalist and writer
Quote: “if you think about Javelin Park with an asset life time of 25 may be 30 years, do those who will be investing in it think that it will still be doing something useful for us in the year 2050?”


Supporter_NickWeirName: Nick Weir
Location: Stroud
Occupation: founder member of Stroud Community Agriculture and Stroudco Food Hub
Quote: “R4C is the best solution we have to preventing the madness of spending millions of tax-payers’ money on an unnecessary incinerator at Javelin Park”


Name: Frances Day
Location: Sheepscombe
Occupation: web designer
Quote: “I support the project because I believe that R4C represents a hopeful future both for the environment and for people who want their voices to be heard”


Name: Andrew Holmes
Location: Stroud
Occupation: movement teacher
Quote: “this is exactly what we need”


Name: Sophie Fenwick-Paul
Location: Reading
Occupation: digital and community strategist
Quote: “UK citizens deserve well-researched, cost-effective and sustainable infrastructure, which is exactly what R4C offers and Javelin Park fails to do.”


Name: Rosey Hurst
Location: Haresfield
Occupation: director for impactt
Quote: “I’m passionately in favour of CommunityR4C – the sensible, modern, transparent. speedy and locally-owned solution to waste management in the County, where local government has been grandiose, old-fashioned, secretive, lumbering and failed to gain the support of the community.  I am delighted to support CommunityR4C which will safeguard our health and our landscape at a tiny fraction of the cost of the incinerator, which would harm both.”

Name: Chris Gregg
Location: Oakridge Lynch
Occupation: artist and craftsman
Quote: “As a member of Friends of the Earth I’ve been opposed to the Incinerator since it was first proposed as it is an environmentally bankrupt waste solution. R4C is a wonderful opportunity for Gloucestershire to show the way by investing in waste disposal and recycling in a way that will benefit the community and the country without harmful emissions or landfill.”

Name: James Milroy
Location: Stroud
Occupation: artist and teacher
Quote: “I support R4C because it means we stop thinking about ‘waste’ and start re-using the resources discarded by consumerism. It’s a creative and sustainable alternative to the expensive, dinosaur technology of incineration.”

Name: Garry Strudwick
Location: Brimscombe
Occupation: retired
Quote: “I’m impressed by the ‘energy’ of this project, which surely has to go the whole way, and soon, whatever happens with the incinerator.”


Name: Mark McCormack
Location: Edge, near Stroud
Occupation: party products wholesaler
Quote: “The MBHT proposal by Community R4C offers a cost effective, sustainable and low impact solution to dealing with Gloucestershire’s waste. The public feel passionate about their local environment and by getting involved through Trash to Treasure they can become engaged as vocal supporters of Community R4C’s project for as little as £100.”

Name: Gail Bradbrook
Location: Stroud
Occupation: charity director and mum
Quote: “Really hoping we can show by r4c that there are sane ways to treat waste and communities can take charge of their own problems despite corporate power and a lack of true democracy.”


Name: Greg Pilley
Location: Stroud
Occupation: founder of Stroud Brewery
Quote: “Recycling and re-use vs pollution and expense. Why would anybody not wish to support R4C – it is common sense!”